
Hi, my name is Mechelle Noyes and this is my first semester at Yavapai College. I am returning to school after a twenty-plus year break. I have a depressing story to explain why, but it really does not matter after all this time. Instead of finishing college I moved out of my parents house and started working full-time. As we all know, living independantly means paying your own way...for everything. (Rent, groceries, utilities, car, insurance) and the list goes on and on. Before I knew it I was on the "highway of life" and it was a one-way road.

Fast forward to present day: I have been happily married for five years and a mom to three year old twin daughters, Amanda and Katie. My life changed dramatically once the girls were born. I have been in constant motion ever since. Although I LOVE being a mom, it is easy to lose one's self in the daily operations. There are not enough hours in my day to accomodate the wants and needs of my family, but I try.

I have always wanted to go to college and get a degree. Now that my girls have started pre school I have a little free time to do something for myself. My children have inspired me to get a degree in Early Childhood Education and I hope to either work in a pre-school or day care setting. I can't wait.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Pach, Chester. "Servicemen’s Readjustment Act: Document Analysis." Milestone Documents in American History. Ed. Paul Finkelman. 4 vols. Dallas, TX: Schlager Group, 2008. Salem History Web. 24 Oct. 2010.

     For whatever reason, I had a hard time finding articles relating to my essay topic, The History of the Draft.  Ultimately, I found the above-mentioned article and found it to be very informative with regard to The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, also known as the GI Bill.  This Bill was a benefit for all veterans in an effort to help them buy homes or farms, attend college or vocational school, pay living expenses while searching for employment, and ensure access to essential medical care or therapy to heal wounds or overcome disabilities.  This was one of the most important—and popular—federal programs in American history.  I intend to use this source to explore one of the few positive outcomes for serving in the military.

Davey, Monica.  “America & The Draft: A 200-year Debate” New York Times Upfront.  New York: Scholastic Inc. September 7, 2009. Vol. 142 Iss. 1; pg. 22, 7 pgs

     My second source was obtained through ProQuest.  I feel confident about its credibility due to the fact that I searched the YC Library database, as suggested by our instructor.  The article I found was written by Monica Davey who is the Chicago bureau chief of The New York Times.  In my opinion, The New York Times is one of the most credible news sources in this country. This article was written on September 7, 2009, and is critical to my essay as it deals with the long-running debate of the military draft.

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